IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 1106 - Wild animals should be.

The main aims of wildlife conservation in India are to protect our wild animals, plants for the future generation. Wildlife is a part of nature that maintain the balance in the ecosystem. In order to live a peaceful life on this earth, we need to protect the wildlife too. Some people are seen harming the wildlife for their personal benefit.

Animal Extinction Essay: Why We Should Protect Animals.

To protect endangered animals, think both globally and locally. Find out what animals living near you are listed on the endangered species list. Spend some time learning about the animals and what their preferred habitat is. Contribute to nature reserves and other wilderness areas.The reason explains that if we protect some selected wild animals, others might get extinct and then we will damage the biodiversity of the world. In conclusion, a number of people believe that we should protect all wild animals, while others think that we should only preserve some of them.IELTS Writing Task 2: 'wild animals' essay. Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, so protecting them is a waste of resources.. When a group of people try to protect the wild animals, it means that they would not just protect the animals’ existence, but also preserve the animals’ territories as well. They might cooperate with.

The current extinction of animals essay is aimed at providing well-grounded arguments as for why animals should be saved from dying out. The main question to be answered in the following animal extinction essay is whether there exist any environmental benefits in relation to species preservation.How can we protect endangered animals? Write about: pollution; hunting wild animals. .(your own idea) These days even more and more animals and plants are becoming extinct. That means they must be protected in order to maintain the number of animals or plants, which are threatened by extinction. The real question is how to protect them.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

For example, to preserve the wild animals we need to save the forests, plant more trees and stop exploiting nature. This, in turns, saves the human species from being endangered. The human kind should maintain the balance of the ecosystem and invest money in protecting nature and wild creatures is rather a good investment.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Protecting Wildlife Ever since the start of human civilization we, humans, have been developing mutual growth with our environment. We have been domesticating animals like horses and dogs to help us on our homes and farms, we have transformed mountains into flat planes in order for us to have a high ground and safe place to live and a lot more.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Essay Humans Must Protect Endangered Species. Humans should do more to preserve endangered animals The extinction of animals and plants is a natural process that has caused species to come and go, throughout history.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

ORGANIZATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO ANIMAL WELFARE Animal rights, as we understand it today, exists and depends on how to protect. 419 Words; 2 Pages; Animals Management and Use of Wild Animals By: Bengt Holst wild animals live and breed without human interference, they are the products of natural evolution.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth. In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.

IELTS Writing Task 2: 'wild animals' essay -

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Rhino Extinction Essay. extinct and have only recently been looking to save the rhinos. Kaziranga National Park national park in India protect the wildlife by shooting suspected poachers dead.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Save the Endangered Animals Essay; Save the Endangered Animals Essay.. now only being between 60-70. Hunters, traders and loss of habitat are bringing about their extinction. African Wild Ass- The African wild ass is a critically endangered animal. In the year 2002, there were less than 570 of them.. Should more be done to protect and.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Animals suffer endlessly at the hands of humans in many situations. Here's a look at how you can help in the prevention of animal cruelty. An animal is also a living being but how many of us realize this fact!

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Do you know how many sharks died every year because people love to eat shark fins? Do you know what is the feeling of animals to be tested by a human? Do you know the disasters of eating wild animals. Let me tell you the amazing data about them. There are more than seventy million of sharks died and people only killed them for their fins.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Shelters and food for the wild animals are provided by protecting the forests. Some useful steps have been taken by the government to protect wild life. Many national parks and wild life sanctuaries have been set up for conservation of wild life and environment.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 95 - Wild animals have no use.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Conclusion. If we can encourage people, young and old, to respect this world and all its wonderful natural resources - then we might have the opportunity of saving at least some of the endangered species and wild places for the benefit of those who follow us.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

Essay on Wildlife Protection for School Students.. Project Tiger has been the only successful and sincere effort of the government to protect the Indian Tiger. But the one blunder that the government is making is that while taking protective measures to prevent the killing of wild animals and encroachment into wildlife sanctuaries, it has.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

After a century of decline, tiger numbers are on the rise. At least 3,890 tigers remain in the wild, but much more work is needed to protect this species that’s still vulnerable to extinction. Tigers may be one of the most revered animals, but they are also vulnerable to extinction. WWF believes we can save wild tigers.

How To Protect Wild Animals-essay

In their wild habitat, the animal might be killed by their enemies. If they live in the zoo, they could not be killed by their predators because they live in each cage. In addition, they also think that not all of the zoo are cruel to the wild animal because some of them have standart operational procedures how to protect animal in the zoos, for example is Safari Park Zoos, the biggest zoos in.

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